Source code for

"""Text processing."""

from collections import Counter
import itertools

from import wordpiece_tokenizer_learner_lib as vocab_learner

import tensorflow_text as text
import tensorflow as tf

__all__ = ['build_vocab', 'load_tokenizer']

# Special tokens
JOINER = '##'
UNK = '<unk>'
CLS = '<cls>'
SEP = '<sep>'

[docs]def build_vocab(corpus_generator, vocab_size, split_fun=str.split): """Builds a vocab file from a text generator.""" # Split documents into words. words = itertools.chain(*map(split_fun, corpus_generator)) # Count words in the corpus. word_counts = Counter(words) # Specify parameters. reserved_tokens = (UNK, CLS, SEP) params = vocab_learner.Params(upper_thresh=10000000, lower_thresh=10, num_iterations=4, max_input_tokens=5000000, max_token_length=50, max_unique_chars=1000, vocab_size=vocab_size, slack_ratio=0.05, include_joiner_token=True, joiner=JOINER, reserved_tokens=reserved_tokens) # Build the vocabulary. vocab = vocab_learner.learn(word_counts.items(), params) return vocab
[docs]def load_tokenizer(vocab_file, default_value=-1): """Loads a tokenizer from a vocab file.""" # Build lookup table that maps subwords to ids. table = tf.lookup.TextFileInitializer(vocab_file, tf.string, tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.WHOLE_LINE, tf.int64, tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.LINE_NUMBER) static_table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(table, default_value) # Build tokenizer. tokenizer = text.WordpieceTokenizer(static_table, suffix_indicator=JOINER, max_bytes_per_word=100, max_chars_per_token=None, token_out_type=tf.int64, unknown_token=UNK) return tokenizer